Bioreactor-Ready Scaffolds for Your Adherent Cell Manufacturing
Enhance your laboratory's capabilities with CytoNest's innovative bioreactor-size scaffolds. Our solutions are designed to support a wide array of biological applications through advanced materials and cutting-edge design.
"Up to a billion cells per scaffold"

* Customization of scaffolds and vessels may be required


Fiber structure in each layer

Fiber diameter
~ 3 µm

Fibers per layer
# 5,600

Scaffold thickness
~ 10 mm

Total surface area
~2,500 cm^2
Layers per scaffold
# 50
Versatile Design: CytoNest scaffolds are engineered to accommodate diverse bioreactor configurations, available in a variety of sizes.
Existing process for scaffold length or diameter up to 100 mm
Contact us for scaffolds over 100 mm diameter
Scaffold thickness 1 - 10 mm
Existing geometries include cylindrical, cube, rectangular prism
Contract us for custom geometries
Optimized for Cell Growth: Our scaffolds support efficient nutrient flow and waste removal through build in linear perfusion channels (space gap), crucial for sustaining cell viability and promoting growth at high densities.
Flow Dynamics: Designed to ensure even distribution of perfusion media, enhancing cellular homogeneity and nutrient and metabolite exchange.
Results: Facilitates high-throughput analysis and repeatable results for diverse scientific applications.
High-Quality Materials: Manufactured using FDA accepted and/or GRAS approved medical grade biocompatible and food grade edible materials
Edible materials:
Gelatin (protein cross-linking required, contact us for more information)
Polycaprolactone (PCL)
Polystyrene (PS)
Cellulose Acetate (CA)
Polybutylene succinate (PBS)
Scaffolds made of custom materials are possible.
For more customization options, visit our customization center.

Cellular Agriculture

Cell Therapeutics

Tissue Engineering
Application Areas
Preordered products will be shipped in 5 - 7 business days.